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Inventory See

This module adds the /invsee command to allow you to open a player's inventory like a chest and to manipulate it.


invsee <player>

Open a player's inventory.


  • solstice.inventorysee.base - Default: 2
  • solstice.inventorysee.exempt - Default: 3
    Make you unable to have your inventory opened via the /invsee command.
  • solstice.inventorysee.offline - Default: 3
    Allow accessing the inventory while the target player is offline. Changes are lost if the player logs in while the offline inventory is open.
  • solstice.inventorysee.edit - Default: 3
    Allow editing the inventory.


  • inventorysee

invsee <player> trinkets

Requires the Trinkets Mod

Open a player's trinkets inventory.

  • solstice.inventorysee.base - Default: 2
  • solstice.inventorysee.exempt - Default: 3
    Make you unable to have your inventory opened via the /invsee command.
  • solstice.inventorysee.offline - Default: 3
    Allow accessing the inventory while the target player is offline. Changes are lost if the player logs in while the offline inventory is open.
  • solstice.inventorysee.edit - Default: 3
    Allow editing the inventory.