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Would you like to interface with Solstice?

Add the Maven repository:

maven {
    name "alexdevs"
    url ""

...and add the dependency:

// Solstice Essentials
modImplementation "me.alexdevs:solstice:VERSION"

Replace VERSION with the preferred version. eg. 1.5.0+1.20.1 (without v).

Adding modules

This section explains how you can setup the integration of custom modules to Solstice.

Create a class that implements me.alexdevs.solstice.api.module.ModuleEntrypoint.

This interface exposes the method register(), used to return the list of modules to load by Solstice.

package com.example.modules;

import me.alexdevs.solstice.api.module.ModuleBase;
import me.alexdevs.solstice.api.module.ModuleEntrypoint;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;

public class ModuleProvider implements ModuleEntrypoint {

    // Add module instances here
    private static final List<? extends ModuleBase> modules = List.of(
            new MyModule(),
            new MyCoolModule(),

    // Return a HashSet of the list of modules.
    // This method is only called once!
    public HashSet<ModuleBase> register() {
        return new HashSet<>(modules);
To make the class discoverable by Solstice, add the "solstice" entry point to your fabric.mod.json, under the "entrypoints" field, along the "main" entry point:

"entrypoints": {
    // Main entrypoint of your Fabric mod
    "main": [

    // Add this entry point to the list:
    "solstice": [
    // ...

Module example

All Solstice modules extends the abstract class me.alexdevs.solstice.api.module.ModuleBase.

Modules need to provide a String ID to the super constructor, ideally all lowercase, this ID is used to differentiate between modules and is also used to make permission nodes.

package com.example.modules.mymodule;

import me.alexdevs.solstice.Solstice;
import me.alexdevs.solstice.api.module.ModuleBase;

public class MyModule extends ModuleBase {
    public static final String ID = "mymodule";

    public MyModule() {

        // Register the configuration section
        Solstice.configManager.registerData(ID, MyModuleConfig.class, MyModuleConfig::new);

        // Register the locale
        Solstice.localeManager.registerModule(ID, MyModuleLocale.MODULE);

        // Register the player data
        Solstice.playerData.registerData(ID, MyModulePlayerData.class, MyModulePlayerData::new);

        // Register the server data
        Solstice.serverData.registerData(ID, MyModuleServerData.class, MyModuleServerData::new);

        // Add a command to your module
        commands.add(new MyCommand(this));

See the source code of Solstice modules as practical examples.