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Here is a list of all the commands implemented by Solstice, along the permission node and aliases.

Check out the modules for detailed information.

This list is auto-generated and may lack some information.

Module Command Aliases Permission
afk afk afk solstice.afk.base
back back back solstice.back.base
ban ban ban solstice.ban.base
ban unban unban pardon solstice.ban.base
ban tempban tempban solstice.ban.tempban
broadcast broadcast broadcast bc solstice.broadcast.base
broadcast plainbroadcast plainbroadcast pbc solstice.broadcast.plain
core solstice solstice sol solstice.core.debug
core solstice solstice sol solstice.core.base
core solstice solstice sol solstice.core.reload
customname nickname nickname nick solstice.customname.others
customname nickname nickname nick solstice.customname.base
enderchest enderchest enderchest ec solstice.enderchest.others
enderchest enderchest enderchest ec solstice.enderchest.base
extinguish extinguish extinguish ex solstice.extinguish.base
feed feed feed solstice.feed.others
feed feed feed solstice.feed.base
fly fly fly
fly fly fly
god god god solstice.god.others
god god god solstice.god.base
hat hat hat solstice.hat.base
heal heal heal solstice.heal.others
heal heal heal solstice.heal.base
helpop helpop helpop sos solstice.helpop.base
home homeother homeother solstice.home.others
home delhome delhome solstice.home.base
home homes homes solstice.home.base
home sethome sethome solstice.home.base
home homes homes solstice.home.others
home home home solstice.home.base
ignite ignite ignite solstice.ignite.base
ignore ignore ignore solstice.ignore.base
ignore ignorelist ignorelist solstice.ignore.base
info info info pages
info motd motd
info rules rules
inventorysee invsee invsee inventorysee solstice.inventorysee.base
kick kick kick solstice.kick.base
kit kit kit solstice.kit.set
kit kit kit solstice.kit.base
mail mail mail solstice.mail.base
mute mute mute solstice.mute.base
mute unmute unmute solstice.mute.base
near near near solstice.near.base
restart restart restart solstice.restart.base
rtp rtp rtp solstice.rtp.base
seen seen seen playerinfo solstice.seen.base
smite smite smite solstice.smite.base
spawn firstspawn firstspawn solstice.spawn.firstspawn
spawn setfirstspawn setfirstspawn solstice.spawn.firstspawn.set
spawn setspawn setspawn solstice.spawn.set
spawn spawn spawn solstice.spawn.worlds.base
spawn spawn spawn solstice.spawn.base
spawn spawn spawn solstice.spawn.others
staffchat staffchat staffchat sc solstice.staffchat.base
sudo doas doas solstice.sudo.doas
suicide suicide suicide solstice.suicide.base
teleporthere tphere tphere solstice.teleporthere.base
teleportoffline tpoffline tpoffline tpoff solstice.teleportoffline.base
teleportrequest tpa tpa tpask solstice.teleportrequest.ask
teleportrequest tpahere tpahere tpaskhere
teleportrequest tpdeny tpdeny tpno tprefuse solstice.teleportrequest.base
teleportrequest tpaccept tpaccept tpyes solstice.teleportrequest.base
tell reply reply r solstice.tell.base
tell tell tell msg w dm solstice.tell.base
timebar timebar timebar solstice.timebar.base
trash trash trash solstice.trash.base
utilities loom loom solstice.utilities.loom
utilities anvil anvil solstice.utilities.anvil
utilities cartography cartography solstice.utilities.cartography
utilities grindstone grindstone solstice.utilities.grindstone
utilities workbench workbench craft solstice.utilities.workbench
utilities smithing smithing solstice.utilities.smithing
utilities stonecutter stonecutter solstice.utilities.stonecutter
warp warps warps solstice.warp.base
warp setwarp setwarp solstice.warp.set
warp warp warp solstice.warp.base
warp delwarp delwarp solstice.warp.set