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Custom Name

The custom name modules brings customizable player display names and nicknames!

With this module you can configure the player name based on the rank.


Player name formats

It is possible to customize how player names are displayed in the server based on the LuckPerms group of the player.


If LuckPerms is not installed, or it is not possible to guess the group, Solstice falls back to two group names:

  • default - Used for everyone.
  • operator - Used by operators.

Configure player names

Display names are configurable in the name-formats list.

This list uses the order as priority of the group, first elements come before later elements.


If the player is in the vip and default groups, but is not in the admin group, it will pick the vip group and skip default as vip comes before default.

  • admin
  • vip
  • default
Adding a format

To add a format for a group, add the following lines in the list (remember the order priority in the list):

    format="<blue>${name}</blue>" # Name format here
    group="mygroup" # Group name
Special Placeholders

These placeholders are pre-processed before doing any formatting parse. This is to allow LuckPerms' prefix and suffix to correctly apply the formatting, including the name.

  • ${name}: Display name of the player. Respects nicknames unlike %player:name%.
  • ${prefix}: LuckPerms prefix. Empty by default.
  • ${suffix}: LuckPerms suffix. Empty by default.


nickname "<nickname>"

Set your nickname.


  • solstice.customname.base - Default: 2


  • nick

nickname clear

Clear your nickname


  • solstice.customname.base - Default: 2


  • nick

nickname <player> "<nickname>"

Set the nickname of a player.


  • solstice.customname.others - Default: 2


  • nick

nickname <player> clear

Clear a player nickname.


  • solstice.customname.others - Default: 2


  • nick